Tuesday, August 25, 2009

1st Soccer Lesson From Coach Daddy

As many of you know, Donnie coached soccer in Wichita Falls (Rider High School) and Monterey High School here in Lubbock, so he knows a thing or two about soccer drills and workouts. When he signed the girls up for soccer, the director told him that there would be a try-out and draft next week. Donnie quizzed him about the different drills and skills the girls would have to perform in the draft and decided we should get a leg up on the competition. From now until the try-out, Coach Daddy will be running the girls through soccer girls each night. As you can see from the video below, Coach Daddy has some work to do! (But we have cute pink cleats for the big day...at least there's that taken care of. :)


Carmen Fenton said...

I can't decide which is funnier. The fact that Makenzi kept picking up the ball or that Sydni was wearing a skirt. I get such a kick out of your blog and your funny girls...I even have my husband reading it.

Lenzi said...

Ha! I know..the skirt was wearing me out! I went and bought Syd PINK windshorts at Target today and she refused to wear them because they looked like boys shorts. Sheesh. We can't wear a skirt to soccer games! And Mak is hard-headed and not very "coachable" like her mommy!