Monday, August 17, 2009

Welcome to My Classroom!

Take video tour of my 8th grade classroom...I had just put a piece of gum in my mouth before shooting this, so please pardon my chomping. And no, I don't get on to my kids for chewing gum, so I don't want to hear about the teacher's use of it! ;) I love my classroom and preparing for a new year. This will be my EIGHT year to teach, and like my daughter's growing, it has flown by. The age bracket I teach (13-14 year olds) can sometimes be a challenge, but I feel like I am in my element with 8th graders. I love the fact that they are not "too cool" to be silly with me, but are mature enough to be deep and surprisingly complex in our classroom discussions. No matter what you might think about 8th graders, it really is a wonderful age to teach! Bring on the 24th! I'm ready to meet my new group of kiddos!

My door, "What Mrs. Hart Read This Summer". You can't be a Reading teacher and not actually read, right?! I try so hard to read as many teen novels in the summer, but also mix in a few books that are more my age and interest level. I was able to read quite a few this summer!

Part of my Twilight wall, and reading area. Love my fun chairs! If you ever have casual seating you need to get rid of, let me know! I can't have too many bean bags and gaming chairs!

My awesome principal let me have new tables and chairs instead of bulky desks. Group work will be so much more fun this year!
Mrs. Hart's 8th Grade Reading Room
Ya gotta have "PLOT" to have a good story!


Emily said...

Oh my gosh, Lenz! That room looks AMAZING!!! My teachers never had their rooms decorated like that! WOW!!! I am so impressed. I would love for Belle to have you when she gets there!

Lenzi said...

Some days I can't imagine teaching that long, but maybe by then i will have a best-selling novel or something and will be teaching for fun! Ha!