Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Monkey See, Monkey Do!

I had a feeling that Sydni's recent piercing would inspire our little one to do the same. She woke me up this morning asking if she was "gonna get her ea-ahs pierced" and I told her that she could. We loaded up that afternoon and headed back to Claire's for a repeat performance. She was a trouper and didn't seem scared until the actual puncture happened. Sydni had spent the entire ride to the mall telling Mak that it didn't hurt, but you could see by the look on her face after the deed was done, that she thought we were all full of poopy! Not a tear was shed, but she wouldn't talk to any of us for a few minutes afterward! Here are picks from the experience, and below you will find a super-sweet video of Syd talking to Mak before her piercing. Sydni didn't know I was recording the first part of it, and I was so happy to capture one of the many sweet conversations the two have with one another. Even though they can throw punches like cage fighters, they really do adore each other most of the time!

On the way to the mall, they were holding hands. Sydni was more excited about the ordeal that Mak!
I held Sydni in my lap during her piercing, but Makenzi wanted to do it by herself!
Marking the lobes to make sure the punctures are even...Donnie supervises!

Granny Deb, Donnie and Sydni are there for moral support!
Just after the fact, and you can see her eyes are a little puffy. I think I would much rather her cry than hold it in...I'm not sure why!

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