Tuesday, August 18, 2009

KLBK Interview 2004

This video is from 2004 when KLBK came to our home to interview Donnie. Sydni was only 3 months old!


Carmen Fenton said...

Oh this is too funny! She was one cute baby.

Donnie and Lenzi Hart said...

Aww! Thanks! I remember being mortified that she spit up, but that's the best part!

Emily said...

I remember that sweet little face like it was yesterday!! Too cute! I can't believe she is going to school!!! WOW!!!

Lenzi said...

Sad, huh?! Her starting school has been giving me baby fever! Donnie thinks I'm INSANE, but it's so not fair how fast they grow up. I want my chubby baby for just a quick fix...but then I would miss my super-sweet and funny five year old. You can't have it all!