Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Sydni's First Day of School 2009

Even though Sydni has been attending daycare during the school year since she was one, that fact didn't make her starting Kindergarten any easier! I wasn't sure how the first day would affect Donnie and I, but I think we made it through without breaking down into racking sobs in the school hallway. We both teared up in the car and then left it at that. Crying would have rained on our super-excited Sydni's parade, and what a parade it was! She was out of bed like a firecracker that morning, making sure we didn't forget to pack her lunch, that we had her backpack ready to go, and that her hair and outfit were just right. She was even practicing what she would say to her teacher as she ate her pancakes! Needless to say, she didn't hesitate to enter her classroom after we arrived at the Kindergarten door. Even though Mommy and Daddy lingered in the room for second hugs, our little girl was confident and ready her first day of "big kid school"!
Little Miss Kindergartner poses with Daddy
Posing with Mommy...she picked out my outfit because I picked out hers! Makenzi is lurking in the background, mad about something!
Sydni standing by her teacher's door.
Our big girl, at her desk and ready to work hard!

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