Monday, August 3, 2009

New Clothes, New Earrings, READY FOR KINDERGARTEN!!

Syd and I had so much fun today. I forget how special one-on-one time is for your children! After dropping Makenzi off at Granny Deb's (who is not a fan of shopping), I made the mistake of telling Sydni that she was in charge and that this was HER day! Little did I know that she would take that statement and run with it! We went to the mall and immediately went to The Children's Place to see if they had the dresses she had seen on-line. They had the dresses and then some, because we left the store with most of their fall line!
She also saw a commercial advertising the rhinestone toe Sketchers (this kid can memorize commercials line for line...remember her telling me that "cash for gold can save you money"???) and wanted a pair of them. I had absolutely no clue what she was talking about and promised her that we would try to find them. She has a 6th sense for shopping, and spotted them while walking past Journey Kids. We left with the last size 11 pair, so I guess it was destiny! She was so pumped, and had to put them on and wear them out of the store! I must also mention that she changed into an outfit we purchased in The Children's Place and wore it out of the store as well. (My Nana used to let me do stuff like that, so I think she has passed her love of fashion and accessories down to Syd-o.) I'm going to have to hide her new clothes to keep her out of them before school starts! Sheesh!
On the way out of the mall we passed Claire's (a jewelry store), and I casually mentioned that she should end such a big day by getting her ears pierced. Please keep in mind that she has been wanting to pierce her ears for over a year, but has been too chicken to actually follow through with it. I was shocked when she said, "Sure, Mom!" like I had just asked her if she wanted a piece of gum or something. There was already a lady in front of us about to get her baby's ears pierced, so I figured that she would back out after hearing the little girl scream! Much to my surprise, she followed through and left the store with two diamond studs in her ears (fake, mind you, but don't think she hasn't already mentioned that Daddy needs to buy her real ones...yeah, right!). Here are pictures of our newly punctured daughter:
She is so proud of them! I can't keep her away from the mirror!
Her goofy grin!
Posing like a pro!

"Aren't they beautiful?" she asked me, as I was taking her picture.

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