Saturday, August 22, 2009

You and Me Going Fishin' in the Dark...

The girls have been DYING to go fishing this summer, so Pop and Granny bought them some pink Barbie fishing poles and whisked us away to Buffalo Springs Lake last night. We were on the bank for only ten or so minutes before Mak already had one hooked! She caught another within fifteen minutes of her first, and then was bored with the whole fishing experience because it was "easy", as she told me. Sydni finally reeled one in after Daddy found a spot where they were biting. Sydni released hers back into the water without batting a pretty eye, but Makenzi wasn't touching that "cooky fish" with a ten foot pole! I grew up fishing at Tucker Pond, CO nearly every summer, so I had forgotten how much I love to fish! The girls really need to have a full-blown camping experience, so maybe we can visit Grandad Wayne next summer and camp out & fish in the Colorado mountains. Thank goodness Granny Deb and Pop are building a house at Buffalo Lake, because their granddaughters are so outdoorsy! I'm sure they will be Granny and Pop's lake buddies in the near future.
She caught more fish than the rest of us and had the least amount of patience.

Pop has them ready to reel in a big one!

She may be a princess, but scaly fish do not intimidate her!

Donnie attempts to untie a knot Syd had in her Barbie pole. Good luck, Dad!

More fishin'
Mak's first fish...she wouldn't even hold the line to pose with it! She kept on saying, "Bleck! Eww!

Not afraid of the fish!

1 comment:

Jenni said...

Love the song reference!