Friday, November 4, 2011

Makki's Kinder Transportation Parade

Donnie is the hero of this post. I knew we had a project for Makenzi looming in the near future, but with the madness that is Halloween at our house, I let the due date sneak up on us.  Makki had to have her "favorite mode of transportation" recreated in the form of a wearable costume for the Kindergarten Transportation Parade this week.  Donnie and Deb made Makenzi's cute VW Beetle in one afternoon, and I was just the consultant due to work and other miscellaneous stuff that keeps me from being a bona fide super mom...I'm just mediocre....maybe a side-kick worthy mom.  They kicked some butt and took some names with this adorable project! I was so proud of it, and I know Makenzi was THRILLED to wear it!
So proud of her sweet ride!

Sydni, sitting with her class in the hallway and waiting for the parade to start.
For being so dang ornery, she's such a shy little thing when everyone is looking at her.

He put a license plate on it that says "Daddy's Girl" at the bottom. Too cute!

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