It's starting to get REAL, ya'll! :) I'm fairly close to transitioning from "cute and pregnant" to "Oh my LANDS, get this thing outta me!". However, I'm not to the latter just yet, but I bet after Christmas I'm singing a different tune. I know I can't complain (and shouldn't complain...just yet), because this pregnancy has been a smooth ride, thus far. Brinkli is moving around A LOT and kicking up a storm. She has a rough time settling down for the night, and tends to freak me out a little with her fierce kicks and punches. The girls LOVE feeling her now that there's no mistaking her jabs. They giggle and squeal each time she give them a kick...I can't wait to see how they interact with her in person.
As for other pregnancy-related items (that won't gross you out) to report, cravings for random foods are running rampant around here. I have been eating a ton of Caesar salad. It's been a very odd craving, and yes, I know that Caesar salad is probably the fattiest, most calorie-packed salad, but's so dang good. I've been trying to use the low-calorie dressing, minimal Parmesan cheese and the low fat croutons, but I bet it's still not the BEST dinner for someone who needs to be careful of weight gain! I also want to eat ANYTHING with cinnamon in it/on it. It's ridiculous. Cinnamon apple sauce, Extra Apple Pie gum, cinnamon toast, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, and Land O'Lakes Cinnamon Sugar Butter...all staples in my current diet. Craziness.
Back to Brink- we had a 25 week sonogram on Thursday, and our little loaf's estimated weight is 1lb, 12oz., and she's ranking in the 49% of her size, which the doctor said "is perfect". (I'm on pace for a healthy 7lb, 6oz. baby, so let's hope the good 'ole doctor is right. Brink would be the tiniest of my three if that weight is an accurate prediction.) She slept most of the time and didn't really want to turn her head for a good shot of her little face. We have another sono on December 12th, so maybe by then she will overcome her camera shyness. The "girl stuff" is still there, so it's a safe bet that her name will remain "Brinkli". We are still holding off on the middle name. I vote she be named after her Daddy, and I think he's coming around to agreeing with me, but only time will tell. Here's a few pics from our sonogram AND nice shot of my belly. I'm smuggling basketballs to school each day....
Hello, belly! |
Profile shot...she's developing some chub on those cheekies! |
Her tiny legs, curled up and nearly crossed. She likes forming a hard, weird ball in my belly for most of the day. It really helps to make the heart burn enjoyable. |
Profile...Sydni is really worried that she will come out looking like this - gray and lumpy. ;) |
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