Friday, November 25, 2011

Makenzi's Thanksgiving Play

We are so lucky to have Mrs. Rich as Makenzi's kindergarten teacher. She did such a wonderful job with Sydni, and is passing on her excellent teaching to Makenzi. Sydni was able to participate in Mrs. Rich's Thanksgiving play, and this year it was Makki's turn. She played the part of Chief Massasoit (sp?), and said, "Let the Thanksgiving feast BEGIN!" Seeing our little Indian play her part was so much fun...I can't believe she's nearly halfway through her kindergarten year!

Our sweet CHIEF!

Vest designed by Makki...I can't believe I didn't get a picture of the back of this thing. She drew a turkey and a "bloody turkey knife" on the back. Don't worry. I'm scheduling her appointment with the counselor this week. :)

How cute are these kiddos?

Deb said she looked JUST like Donnie up there singing. Do you see any resemblance?

Makki and her friend, Laney.

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