Friday, November 25, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011

Another great year of food, family and fun at Granny Deb and Pop's house for Thanksgiving. I'm still FULL, and I'm sure Brinkli even put on a few ounces yesterday!  Here are a few pics of our food & fun-filled day!
Helping Granny baste the turkey. That baster fascinated Makki!

I totally used to do this with the relish tray when I was a kid....I allow them one go at the "Olive Hand".

Silly chicks!

Pop, Poppa Donnie, Don and Syd

Aunt Donna and Sydni...the LOVE Aunt Donna!

Boots wouldn't pose with Sydni, but Pop and Granny bought Boots for Sydni when she was only 18 months old.  She adores her Bootsie!

Playing with her cousin, Rylan.

During the third trimester, my face always resembles a pumpkin. Appropriate for the holiday, don't ya think?!

Keaton and Whitney...siblings that love each other.

Poppa Donnie and Whit....that man can make me laugh so hard my side hurts. He's such a sweet, funny guy!

A dirty-faced elf.

Sydni is just like Granny Deb in that she LOVES to play games. Here she is playing "Catchphrase". Her expressions and hand gestures crack me up!


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