Saturday, December 12, 2009

Happy Birthday, Daddy!

Donnie, (a.ka., Old Man River) celebrated his 33rd birthday this week! Syd and Mak are so excited about birthdays, and Daddy's was no exception. We had chocolate cake before school on Friday to celebrate, and then went and saw The Princess and the Frog that evening. Only a great dad like Donnie would agree to go see a Disney princess movie on his birthday! We had so much fun with our Daddy Boy (Mak's nickname for him)!
The pointer Syd HAD TO HAVE from Hobby Lobby. Apparently, it is quite useful in situations such as these. Thank God she had it to point at the cake! We never would have seen it otherwise!
It's very early in the morning for singing Happy Birthday and blowing out candles, but Donnie is a trooper and plays along for the sake of his girlies. They were so excited about cake for breakfast!
Open your presents, Daddy. A much-needed Playstation 3 game!
Gotta love chocolate cake in the morning!

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