Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Christmas at Granny and Pop's New Home!

Pop and Granny (Donnie's Mom and StepDad) recently moved in to their new house at Buffalo Springs Lake. Not only did they close a mere week before Christmas, but Granny had herself unpacked and tree up in time for Christmas! Donnie, the girls and I spent the night on December 23rd and opened presents Christmas Eve morning with them. Not only was it a treat to spend the night, but when we woke up, we found a beautiful blanket of snow covering everything! It was so beautiful and the girls were so excited about the white Christmas that greeted us that morning! Syd showing us the beautiful snow outside!
Makenzi loving on Granny before we started opening gifts.
Stockings first...
Makki loved her blue clip-on hair extensions.
Check out Syd's Barbie Ballerina ornament.
A cute, monogrammed bag for dance class.
We gave Pop and Granny a wrapped canvas of the girls.
The girls recieved tons of toys and clothes. Thanks, Pop & Granny!
The girls' dog, Boots, loves his new toys! Boots is really Pop and Granny's dog, but they love and claim him as their own!
Of course, they HAD to go outside and check out the snow for themselves!
Do you see that smile? That is pure bliss!
Donnie and Lenzi-Christmas 2009

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