Saturday, February 7, 2009

Kienan's Worksheet

My sister sent me a picture of a worksheet her oldest son, Kienan completed during the "100th Day of School" celebration that his elementary school was conducting. Before you look at it, you must know a bit of background information. Kienan loves his brothers, but after Hayli had Brenner (last March), he made it clear that he didn't want her having any more kids! She can't even poke her belly out without him nervously asking if there's "really a baby in there." So when she sent me this picture, it confirmed Kienan's expressed fears:

You crack me up, Kienan! Love you, buddy...

1 comment:

Hayli Ketchum said...

Classic! He's NOT a baby lover that's for sure. Remember how he didn't like Mak too much when she became mobile? Well that's exactly how he is with Brenner now. I don't understand it...he's just annoyed or something. At least I know he'll get over it since he loves Makenzi now!