Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I'm a little obsessed with Facebook right now...

There is a survey going around on (a site that I am loving way more than myspace now) and it requires you to list twenty-five random things about yourself. Donnie won't do one, but I thought I would post mine because I had so much fun making it! It really made me remember so much stuff I had forgotten, not to mention I totally dig reading my sisters and friend's 25 Random Things to! So Carmen, I'm copying you and copying my list from Facebook....(BTW, if you do not have a Facebook, get one! It is so simple and so much fun!)

Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.(To do this, go to “notes” under tabs on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 25 random things, tag 25 people (in the right hand corner of the app) then click publish.)*************************************************************************
1. I hate to touch frozen food. Really, it oogs me out to touch. My heart starts beating faster and I have to force myself not to drop whatever it is I have to hold. Wierd.
2. My Expo markers on my dry erase board smell awesome.
3. I have a scar on my rib cage resulting from my failed attempt to ride my bike across a cattle guard when I was seven.
4. More than likely, I have ADHD. This is annoying to everyone around me because I start a project, cleaning task, bathing my kids, etc. and I don't seem to finish. Makenzi has left the tub without me rinsing out the shampoo because I've wandered off to fold a load of towels. (Luckily, Syd is old enough to realize I haven't rinsed her and she does it herself!)
5. Bryan Griese (former Denver Broncos QB) literally picked me up and dusted my butt off after I wiped out in front of him on a bicycle. I was a freshman at Tech, 19 and a PR intern for Phil Long Dealerships in Colorado Springs and was working the Denver Broncos Charity Golf Tournament. It was a magical moment. He also told me my forehead was bleeding.
6. Along the same vein, I had three boys pick up a desk to rescue me from beneath it in a Tech lecture hall. The old English building at Tech had ghetto-fabulous wooden desks. I reach over to retrieve a dropped pen (during one of my first classes as a Tech freshman) and toppled the desk. It is one of the most embarassing moments of my life
7. I'm three chapters into writing a book...When I tell people what its about I feel self-conscious, but I will tell you if you want me to!
8. I can stand on my head for quite some time.
9. I can also out hula-hoop most people!
10. I drink nearly two gallons of water a day and a whole liter bottle throughout the night. I must be part camel.
11. My toes are longer than most people's pinkies.
12. Every scar on my body (except my c-section scar and the cattle guard incident), Amanda (Freeman) Saffel was present when I received it!
13. I can look five months pregnant at any given when I'm going to United grocery store and need a parking spot. "New and Expectant Mother" parking is awesome.
14. I could live on California Rolls.
15. I never skip breakfast. Ever!
16. I wrote a letter when I was 8, to Shannen Doherty to tell her that she needed to quit smoking or she would die of cancer someday. 90210 sent me back a generic fan club letter. I was pissed! I really, truly believed she would write me back, thanking me for showing her the light. I wish I had that letter back...
17. I've climbed several grain silos during my youth, and once when I was tooted in high school. That's what we did for fun in White Deer! Par-tay!
18. I wish tanning didn't cause skin cancer. I could lay out for hours and hours, turning a wonderful shade of brown thanks to the help of my Hawaiin Tropic Cocoa Butter Oil with absolutely no sunscreen in it. But I'm getting older and can't do that anymore without freaking out about sunspots and freckles.
19. I have amazing hearing. I can even hear the high freqency humm electronic devices make when they are on or plugged in. Donnie thinks it's so wierd. I'm like a dog when it comes to my hearing...sometimes that 's not a good combo when you teach 8th graders. I hear stuff I would rather not hear!
20. Jenni Stone and I used to go read people's mail that they threw away in the WD post office. Again, White Deer was a boring place and you had to get creative to find a means of entertainment! (We did uncover a seedy affair reading that stuff!)
21. Barnes and Noble is my mothership.
22. I read magazines from back to front. Why, I don't know.
23. I wake up at 3:33am nearly every morning. Why, I don't know. That's just what my alarm clock says. I'm sure hayli has some sort of "Sylvia Brown" explanation for this.
24. My Pawpaw (Joe Mitchell) talked to me in a dream after his death in 2005. Until that happened to me, I didn't really believe stories like that. I really wished the old fart would come back and visit me again!
25. I can't hear that song, "Bye, Bye Miss American Pie" without thinking of my 6th grade teacher, Mrs. Rapstine. What a wierd lesson plan that was!

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