Saturday, February 7, 2009

The Mud Room

The Mud Room in Lubbock is a pretty cool store. You can pick out your unfinished ceramic merchandise, paint it however you please, and they will fire and glaze it for you. The girls, Emily, Annabelle and I spent Saturday afternoon painting our hearts out! The girls painted coffee mugs, and Belle (with the help of Emily) painted a few items herself! We had lots of fun, and I hope our special projects turn out...I get to pick them up next week. Painting is one of the girls' favorite past times, so I am sure we will be visiting The Mud Room soon! (I would like to go without the aid of my little artists, just because I could literally spend HOURS at that place, and tons of money!)
Sydni is so excited to begin! She had so many grand plans for her mug, but the end result was pretty much lots of paint blobbed together because she wouldn't STOP painting it! Ha!

I'll get pictures of the finished products when I go to pick them up next should be interesting to see how they turned out!

Makenzi was bored after twenty minutes of painting, but really, twenty minutes of her steadily doing ANYTHING is quite an achievement!
Annabelle gets some help from the Mud Room assistant in making a hand print.
We will have to come back and paint some other masterpieces! They had so many cool pieces you could paint...Mommy will have to come and paint something for herself next time.

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