Monday, August 1, 2011

White Deer Rodeo Parade

Most of you know that I'm from a teeny, tiny town in the Texas panhandle called "White Deer", population 1800ish.  Most of my family still resides in or around White Deer, so we love going "up north" for a visit. There is one weekend during the summer when White Deer's population seems to double - that would be during the big time that is known as RODEO WEEKEND.  Friday and Saturday night is the traditional rodeo, followed by an outdoor dance both nights.  The town also hosts a parade Saturday morning, and an event they call "Kick Back Day" in the city park that lasts most of the morning and afternoon. It might sound hokey, but Kick Back Day literally is a time when you gather in the park, kick back in your lawn chair, and watch your children run around the park like wild banshees. The girls LOVE this weekend filled with cousins, candy, and tons of crap to buy at Kick Back Day.  I only took pictures of the parade, so I guess I was having too much fun to document any of the other things we did.

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