Friday, August 19, 2011

Bump Watch - 3 and 1/2 months

I'm growing by leaps and bounds, people!!!I feel a bit guilty, but I completely quit running two weeks ago.  Since that time, I've "blossomed" (that's what one of my co-workers told me...I thought it was a very polite way of putting my recent growth spurt).  I'm walking thirty minutes and doing light weights instead, but waking up this week has been tough. I skip more workouts than I complete, because waking up early this week has kicked my butt. Excuses, excuses...I got em!

I'm pretty sure I know the drill the third time around when it comes to the weight gain, but it's still hard not to freak. I've been avoiding the scale and plan on telling my doctor's nurse to keep it to herself after she weighs me. (At last count, I'm + 3 - 6lbs, depending on what kind of mood my unreliable scale is in). Syd and Mak were on the big side (8lbs and 1oz for Sydni, and 7lbs, 9oz for Makenzi), so I know this baby will probably be in that range, if not bigger.  At 13 weeks, I KNOW I'm bigger than I was with the other two in the belly department, though.  My five month picture with Sydni was about as big as I am now! Craziness. Here's to letting it all hang out!

My bump is as hard as a rock! (My butt is a different story.)

I'm not one for showing belly, but Donnie MADE me show it.  Since it's free of weird veins and stretch marks at this point, I agreed. Enjoy. This is probably the last naked bump you're gonna get. :)

1 comment:

Jenni said...

Look at it this way, when you get big fast you avoid a big spurt at the end. After about 30 weeks I didn't do any more significant growing, at least not as far as I could really tell.