Saturday, September 26, 2009

Sometimes, My Kids are Just Wierd...

Makenzi loves little toys...especially toys that have millions of tiny parts that can become clogged in my vacuum cleaner, or stepped on in the middle of the night to invoke cursing and pain. ;) She recently acquired a set of "Baby in My Pocket" babies. They are adorable, tiny babies with tiny rubber diapers that have provided Mak with hours of entertainment thus far. Case in point, I heard her yelling "Weeeeeeee!" over and over when she was in the bath tub. I walked in, and this is what I found:
What, you may ask, is on Makenzi's toes?
Her baby (that she named Lilly, btw) is enjoying a ride in a "swing" that Makenzi created by looping a hair band around the baby and then around her big toe.

Apparently, little "Lilly" enjoyed the swing, and was gleefully yelling, "Weeeee!" at the top of her baby lungs as she swung to and fro. Makenzi...a personality that I will never be able to label or define! (That's what I love about you most, Makenzi Jo!)

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