Friday, September 4, 2009

Soccer, Soccer, Soccer!

Soccer tryouts were a bust...well, for the most part. We had to wait in line for awhile in the heat, and to top it off, Makenzi didn't want to do ANYTHING for the coaches when it was her turn. You can see in Syd's video that she wasn't sure what she was supposed to be doing, but she did try to kick the ball into the goal! I'm not sure what "score" they received for their performances, but most of the kids who went before us were beginner soccer players. I feel really stupid for getting upset with Makenzi for not performing, and it was Donnie who had to remind me that she is only THREE and I need to ease up on my expectations of her soccer performance! Like everything else she attempts that is new, she will come around and warm up to participating. We will soon see if soccer is their thing, and I guess if it is not we will try something else in a few months to fill our time!
Working on her kick before tryouts!
We brought the wagon, but I didn't know that Makenzi brought herself a snack until she whipped out a bag of cookies. I had only brought water bottles, but I guess soccer tryouts make you hungry! She shared the wealth with Belle and Syd. My baby has a sweet tooth!

Cute Weston and his pretty Mommy, Heather!
Sydni, seemed to know EXACTLY the pose she should strike for soccer tryouts. Sheesh.
Pink cleats, pink shin guards, cute girls!

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