Sunday, September 27, 2009

Soccer Saturday

Sydni was annoyed with my picture taking during the game, but I didn't let it stop me!
She's still unsure of the rules, but she's a fast little fart!
Belle and Mak enjoy a snack after their soccer game was over.
If looks could kill...I would be in a gutter somewhere! Syd-o is a bit peeved at me taking her pic...I'm not sure why! She usually likes pictures, but I guess not under pressure.
Makenzi and cute are they?

The first day of soccer games were a whirlwind of sweaty fun! Makenzi played at 10am and scored a goal during her game and Sydni ran her little heart out in her game at 11am. For the next five Saturday mornings, we will be at the soccer field, kicking up some dirt! Check out our videos and pictures:

How huge are these uniforms? They look like munchkins playing soccer!
Drank an entire bottle of water before she even played one minute on the field!

Hi, Mommy!

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