Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Hart Christmas - Part 2

Continuing our Christmas festivities, Granny and Pop invited us over Christmas Eve day to open gifts and spend the day together. Of course, Granny and Pop spoiled us all, because the back of the Yukon was over-flowing when we left! The girls enjoyed every minute (as always) at Granny and Pop's house!

Waiting to open gifts at Granny and Pop's house.

Granny and Pop love to spoil the girls!

Daddy received a new grill! He loves it!

Pop is stylin' in his new Harley jacket.

So many gifts! Where in the world where we store it all?!

Sydni tests out her easel from Granny and Pop.

Our little mess-maker is in heaven!

Thank you for our gifts, Pop and Granny!

Of course, we need a bath after playing with our paint. Plus, we need to test out our new dolls for the bathtub!

We put a cute outfit on after bathtime that Granny and Pop gave us!

Mak looks so cute and onery!
The holidays bring out the best in them!


Emily said...

How much fun! They definitely spoil those girlies! Too cute! Donnie will have to test out the new grill. We will bring the Llano Sweet Red and the fixins!

The Reynolds said...

So cute! Looks like the Hart family had a good Christmas!!!!!