Saturday, December 6, 2008

A Weekend of Sickness

Does this look like a sick kid to you?

The stomach bug found it's way to the Hart Household this weekend. The girls both succumbed to it, but what is crazy is that both are such troopers when they are sick! Even though they might have to pause and run to the toilette, they would wrestle and play as if they were A-Okay! I wish I was so energetic when I'm feeling pukey, but the bug didn't really slow them down.

They love each other...every now and then.

It looks like Mak has had enough of cuddle time by the tree....such a moody turd.

Syd-o is sick, but has plenty of energy to play in Mom's boots and prance around...Sheesh!

I wouldn't let them go outside to see Lady and Fudge, so we compromised and I let them open the kitchen window to "talk" to their pups.
Mak's crazy, mullet do' is very pretty, isn't it?! Heaven forbid she let Mommy run a brush through it or pull it up!

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