Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Hart Christmas - Part 1

Our very first "tree" was with Marlon (Donnie's Dad), Jeri Kate (the girls call her Jeri Cake), and Aunt McCaleb. The girls loved their interactive gifts: Sydni was given a digital arts and crafts studio desk, and Makenzi a SmartCycle. Both toys were very popular with the girlies! We can't thank Marlon, Jeri, and Aunt McCaleb enough for thoroughly spoiling all of us!

After opening gifts at our house, we celebrated Christmas with the rest of the "Hart Clan" at Marlon's house. The big hit of the evening was McCaleb's Twister game that we bought her. I'm not sure how long it has been since you've played Twister, but it is definitely a more challenging game the older you get! We had fun watching the older guys give it a whirl!

1 comment:

Emily said...

Miss Sydni - you know how to work that camera, girlie! You too cute poses always make me smile! Your hair looks so pretty too! Do you have mascara on?