Thursday, January 1, 2009

Hart Christmas - Part 3

The girls had lots of practice leading up to Christmas Eve night, and boy were they excited! We invited Pop and Granny to spend the night so they could see what Santa brought the girls. After putting out our "Reindeer Food" and placing our cookies and chocolate milk out (did you know that Santa prefers chocolate?), the girls were ready for bed!
Sydni was up first, bouncing and excited, while poor Mak didn't seem to wake up for nearly half and hour after she drug her out of bed! This was the first Christmas that Sydni was truly "into it" and she oohed and ahhhed over every gift and stocking stuffer. Santa's big gift was a trampoline, which was a HUGE hit with the girls! We've been jumping on it each and everyday, not matter what the weather. After all of the wrapping paper was cleared, the girls had entirely TOO MUCH stuff from Santa...they must have been really good this year!

1 comment:

Emily said...

How much fun!!!! Love the bed heads...too cute!