The day we have been anticipating has finally arrived! The girls have been asking EVERYDAY if it is Halloween yet, and were so excited for the big day. Not only did they have a fun party at daycare (and came home with a huge sack of goodies), they also ended up with three grocery baggies full of candy a piece. They also loved handing out candy after trick-or-treating was over. Sydni kept telling the kids that came to our door, "Thank you. Come again!" She is little-miss social and LOVED greeting our trick-or-treaters. Mak kept busy by eating her huge pile of candy! Donnie and I had to cut her off around 9-ish because she kept packing it away! Aunt McCaleb (Donnie's little sister) also went trick-or-treating with us and helped pass out candy. We had a lot of fun!

Our little witches pose with the giesha!

Sydni wanted purple eyelashes to match her purple, glittery lips.

Mak loved her glittery lips and eyes.

Sydni led the way! Their dresses were so BRIGHT in the sun light!

Mak was tired before we even got off of our street!

Pretty girls!
Makki's huge wig made her sort-of look like a munchkin!
What cute witches. Yes, I am blogging while you party on at the game. I am jealous.
SUCH CUTE LITTLE WITCHES! I love the makeup too!
They look darling! I love the orange wig. Great job, mom!
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