Sydni and Mak love "craft time" at our house. Craft time usually consists of them cutting up a bunch of construction paper with their little craft scissors and glueing them on a bigger piece with glue sticks. I
thought I had the craft scissors convienently hidden in a shoe box in the utility room, but don't think just because a four year old can't reach it that they can't get to it. Sydni figured out the hiding spot tonight, and using her freakin' step stool (really, that step stool has gotten her into so much trouble) she managed to climb onto the washing machine and open the cabinet I had the infamous scissors stored. I'm sure you can imagine what follows. Mak received a free hair cut tonight, but luckily it was only a trim. My "mommy 6th sense" kicked in whenever I heard Sydni saying, "Be still, Makki. I won't hurt you." I walked into the play room soon after the first cut. It could be worse. Ask my mother about my own bang-cutting experiments in my younger days. Before you judge and say, "How did you not hear her getting the scissors down, Lenzi?" you can just bite it....Sydni is like a cat when she is formulating a plan! A cat, I tell you!

The victim, showing us the evidence.

Not a huge chunk, but it could've been much worse!

Do you think she looks guilty?
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