Having two little girls is a blast, but every now and then, I need to enjoy the craziness little boys can bring to the table. My nephews are pretty crazy, but add a handful of their crazy little friends, and you have MADDNESS! My little sister, Hayli, has three tow-headed boys, and two of them have birthdays in October. They had a joint party this year at the White Deer Community Center, complete with a bouncer. It is so funny to see how different boys and girls parties are. Layci and I were cracking up at how loud and excited Kienan and Karson's friends were when the birthday boys were opening gifts. They were cheering and oohing at everything the boys opened. The energy level was nonstop for nearly two hours. I get exhausted just thinking about it! Bless Hayli's heart, because she will soon have THREE energy-filled boys running around her house. Brenner isn't too far from crawling, and he will be into everything soon. I had so much fun getting to hang out with my Mom, Sisters, nieces, nephews and family this weekend! The girls were totally worn-out and slept the entire ride home to Lubbock!

The crew is ready for the party to begin!

Strike a pose, Syd!

Baby Brenner....I could just eat him up!

This is how Mak strikes a pose! Love it!

I'm sorry, but the posing cracks me up. Who taught her how to do this? Did they pull her aside in daycare and teach her this? Maybe I watch too much of the E! channel and she's seeing too many red carpet photos??
1 comment:
The posing is hilarious!!! Love it! I wish Annabelle would do that...I can hardly get her to stop for a picture.
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