I was lucky no one threw a beer bottle at me while Donnie took this!
The ant-looking figures are our players warming up!
It was hot!
Since I had never been to College Station, Donnie and I decided we would pay a visit to Kyle Field this year. Donnie has obviously been there several times (and cheated out of a few touchdowns), but I was curious to see what all the "hype" was about! When we bought our tickets, they had not allocated the visitors seats, so we weren't sure where we would be seated. If you can't tell from my pictures, we are three feet from God and a foot from the sun. "Nose bleed section" was coined at Kyle Field...I've never been in seats so far above the ground! When I would walk down to the concession area, I had to keep my eyes on my feet because it felt like I would fall to my death if I didn't! Talk about a freaky stadium! Sorry if I will offend A&M fans, but seriously, it is DISTURBING how revered male cheerleaders are at this school. Not only were they on the COVER of the program ( a single football player or pretty female cheerleader could not be found) but they spent the entire pregame honoring the coveted "yell-leaders". Wierd. Creepy. Totally AGGIE!
Sans sunburns, we did have a lot of fun on this trip!
Lenz -
That first picture is GREAT! I love that you are pictured with your coffee...so Lenzi! Love it! I am glad that you had fun. Too cute of a blog. Em
I am in complete agreement on the male cheerleader thing. Don't get it. Chad would die if it were Weston. I guess you have to be an Aggie to get it. Did you see any of those fans who said they would wrap themselves in foil? We all got a big kick out of that!!!
Hey-now we can blog together too :) I've only nearly passed out once in my life from the heat (and dehydration from the night before festivities) so I understand the heat.
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