Sunday, October 23, 2011

Weeks 20 and 23

I've slacked on documenting my belly, but it seems to be around the same size as of late. Brinkli seems to just be filling up the cavernous bulge instead of the bulge itself growing. We have another sonogram on the 3rd, so I'm excited to see how she's measuring up. Makenzi, Donnie, and Granny Deb have all felt her kicking, but for some reason when Sydni tries to feel, Brinkli just lays there. I wonder if she's already antogonizing her sister? It's driving Sydni NUT-SO that she's out of the loop on feeling her sister wiggle and kick. I'm sure it's only a matter of time before Brinkli relents and gives her a good kick, but it's funny to watch Sydni try to cajole her baby sister into messing with her.

Week 20 - I take the pictures in my classroom because when I'm home, I really have zero time to contemplate the size of my belly. At school, however, I'm acutely aware of my growing abdomen. When you are on your feet ALL DAY LONG, and you have lovely 7th graders pointing out how large you are becoming, it's hard NOT to notice you doubling in size. :)
Week 23 - My butt seems to be growing more than the belly. Notice how she is still directly under my chest.  I can't even walk to the copy room without breathing hard! I sound like a mouth-breather no matter what I do!

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