Sunday, October 23, 2011

Lovely Lubbock Weather...

I love living in Lubbock for many reasons, but the dirt storms would definitely NOT be reason to love this place.  Monday, I left school and picked up a few groceries at United before heading home.  It was windy, and a bit dirty, but not like it can be in terms of dirt in Lubbock.  However, when I pulled into the driveway and proceeded to unload the back of the Yukon, I noticed THIS heading our way...'s the end of the world!
I ran into the house to tell Donnie and the girls about the wall o' crap that was about to pummel our neighborhood.  Within seconds, our house was ensconced in dirt and debris. The sky darkened and the wind howled and beat nastiness against our windows.  It was so dang dark that the street lights came on! When it finally blew over, everything was covered in a layer of fine, red dirt. Lovely. The next day, Lubbock made the national news and below you can see an aerial view of the craziness:

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