Thursday, September 15, 2011

When the Girls Steal my Camera...

Try as I might, I can't seem to put my camera away before their little grubby hands locate it and take five hundred random, weird pictures. Here's a sampling of the plethora of crap that was on my camera when I downloaded pictures tonight:

Plenty of Self-Portraits...

Some pretty cute pictures taken by the other knuckle-head...

Super close-up shots...

Random shots of the bottom of their hamper...

Pic of a tiny letter that came with one of their American Girl dolls...

The over-stuffed book shelf...

The treadmill that will soon be moved to make room for Baby Hart...

The glass door has since been cleaned, but you can make out the dumb dogs napping on the back porch...
An episode of Sponge Bob...

Wasn't quite sure what was about to happen until I saw the next pic...

...and then a cartwheel! Action shots going on in the office, I guess. :)

I bet the dork eating the greasy Doritos put the smear spot on the lens.

And finally, a pic of a random toy on their dresser...with the egg whisker. Weirdos.

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