Monday, October 13, 2008

The Ear Infection Queen!

Poor Mak! I've been home with her all day, knowing she probably had an ear infection. When your kid has had double digit ear infections in her short little life, as a mommy, you kind of pick up on the symptoms. The doctor confirmed my diagnosis and even let me look in her little ear with whatever that tool's name is that lets you look in ears! It was red, pussy and oh-so-gross! I know what a wussy I am when I have an earache, but she had a double infection, plus a sore throat. You can tell that the winter months are coming, because that is when most of our sicknesses occur. I will take off yet another day of work tomorrow, to be with her. Missing work is a pain, but being at work and knowing that my baby is hurting (and undoubtedly wanting me) is even worse!

1 comment:

laycid said...

Poor baby! I hope she gets to feeling better soon!