Sunday, October 5, 2008

Feeling a Little Witchy!

Sydni spotted these witch costumes in a magazine and decided that she and Makenzi needed to be witches. Even though Makenzi is very hard-headed and usually independent, Sydni convinced her that being a witch with her would be very cool. We went to Target today and bought wigs and boots to go with the outfits. Makenzi wanted a black wig like Violet on The Incredibles and Sydni had her heart set on an orange wig. I didn't know if we were going to have much luck in either request, but we found wigs to satisfy both. Mak's is a little long, and I think the orange wig would look much cuter, but like I said before, she's hard-headed. I also have sparkly eyelashes and face paint for Halloween night, so we should have the cutest witches on the block when I'm finished with them!

The orange hair cracks me up!

Mak looks like Elvira!

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