Wednesday, March 9, 2011

More Christmas Memories...

Buddy - our Elf on a Shelf.  I <3 Buddy! Everyone seems to behave when he shows up after Thanksgving!
SPOILED! Syd testing out her new bike from Pop and Granny.
Somebody was VERY proud of her gingerbread house she made ALL BY HERSELF at daycare!
One of my favorite pictures - all three of my loves with bed head!
Syd-o, excited about presents!
Makki helping Mommy cook Christmas morning breakfast on the new griddle.
Tearing into gifts at our White Deer Christmas.
Makki and her new baby, Molly. Mak and Molly go everywhere together. :)
Sydni and Mak, painting on their new easels from the Danners.
Donnie and I enjoying Christmas Eve with our Shobert family members.

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