Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Christmas 2010

The girls love their loot from Santa!
Another great family Christmas has come and gone, and I truly think this Christmas was special in so many ways.  2010 would be the last Christmas we had with our Mamaw, who passed away this month after a long battle with cancer.  Our girls are so blessed to have so much family that loves them dearly. We enjoyed all of our visits and get-togethers this Christmas.
Santa brought the girls Rapunzel's tower from the Disney movie, Tangled! (Truth be told...Mommy had as much fun playing with it as the girls did!) 

Donnie is like a mini-Clark Griswold. He has to have everything PERFECT when it comes to our holiday decor. He does such a great job and LOVES the reaction his hard work garners from the girls!
Sydni and good, ole' Frosty! They fight over who gets to turn on the Christmas lights.

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