Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Defining Makki-Doodle

Where do I begin in defining such a goofy gal?
She's silly. She's sweet.
And a little bit of turd, all wrapped up into one, unique Makki-Doodle!
The nickname "Makki-Doodle" started at daycare. Her teachers called her that. Her friends would shout, "bye, Makki-Doodle!" when I would pick her up each day. I asked her why they called her "Makki-Doodle" and she replied, "'Cause I'm a doodle, Mommy." That does make a lot of sense. She is a doodle! Constantly "doodling" in things she shouldn't, and "doodling" around the house; pestering her sister, coloring on stuff she shouldn't, making messes, and of course, entertaining the masses. The nickname fit her so well that it has stuck with her for nearly a year now. So when you hear us refer to Makenzi as "Doodle" that's the story behind the making of Makki-Doodle!

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