Saturday, October 31, 2009

Daphne and Velma Score Halloween Candy!

For the past three years, I've let the girls have 100% say in what they are going to be for Halloween. Each year they surprise me with their choices, and this year was not exception! I mean, come on, what kid signs up to be the frumpy, nerdy girl who wears an orange turtle neck? Answer: MAKENZI!!! When Mak requested to be Velma from Scooby Doo, Sydni willing signed-on to be Daphne; frump-tastic Velma's pretty counterpart. Way to take one for the team, Syd...agree to be the attractive chick in the group! Even though I wouldn't have picked out the costumes myself, I thought they turned out to be an original and cute choice. It's safe to say we did not see any other "Daphnes" or "Velmas" during our trek around the neighborhood, and lots of people seemed to recognize the two members of Mystery Inc.! Makenzi was so funny, marching around the neighborhood like a midget secretary! She took the role of Velma so SERIOUSLY...we had to refer to her as "Velma" and she wouldn't respond to "Makenzi" the entire night. Sydni loves any costume that requires lipstick or eye makeup, so I obliged and painted up eyes like I figured Daphne would for a night out hunting spooky treats! Such a fun Halloween this year!
The cutest members of Mystery Inc.
All she's missing is Freddy!
Velma played her part to the "t"!
Giving Daddy a kiss before we go out to trick-or-treat. Makenzi LOVES Halloween!
Sydni, McCaleb (as Judy Jetson), and Makenzi
Sydni, our neighbor Tia, and Makenzi hit the streets!
Checking out the pirate ship that our neighbors set up in their yard. They also have fun carnival-type games, popcorn, and prizes.
Posing on the ship!
The neighborhood goes all-out for Halloween!
Makenzi and Daddy

Mystery solved! We found all of the candy possible in our neighborhood!

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