Monday, June 8, 2009

No Training Wheels....Well, Sorta!

Donnie and Sydni have been working on riding the bike sans training wheels, and let's just say that Sydni is as coachable as her Mommy. Translation: she is hard-headed! Donnie is so patient with her and does his best to try and show little-miss-know-it-all how to ride over and over again! She is our drama queen, and had to wear full riding gear to attempt her bike ride! (I'm sure she must have on more padding than Clint wears, and he's a professional!) Neeless to say, this endeavor is definitely a work in progress! She would realize Donnie's hand was absent and lay the bike over immediately. I'll keep you posted when we have a successful ride without the training wheels or Daddy's hand attached to the seat! Ha!
They did this for a while, and Sydni ended up ticked-off at Donnie for not holding on the entire time! I'm not sure if she was grasping the point of no training wheels!
She wouldn't try her new bike without training wheels because it was "too high" off of the ground when she fell!
Donnie is so patient with our little diva!

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