Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Hair Cuts!

The girls may play like little boys, but they love to do girly things, like go to the beauty salon for a trim! Granny has a wonderful friend, Carla, who is a stylist at Artistics Salon off of 19th. Carla is so patient with the girls and does an amazing job on what we sometimes bring her in way of hair disasters (i.e., Makenzi's mullet-style bangs, or the chewing gum that had to be cut out of the back of Syd's hair...Carla definitely earns her money with the Hart girls!). Here are a few pictures of the girls' recent hair appointment.

Mak is so goofy! I'm not sure what kind of face she's making here!
Carla evened out the impossible bangs as best she could! Oy, Makki!

Miss Shy Gal!
Blue Eyes! Definitely not covered up by bangs...no, sireee!
We had to make sure Mak was breathing! She was so still and quiet, I was afraid she was about to fall asleep!
Miss Priss and her Granny pose after the hair cut is over.
Lookin' like a big girl!
Oh, Miss Thang loves this kind of stuff! She would've let Carla primp her all day long!

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