Tuesday, June 9, 2009

29...What a Wierd Age!

Me on my 1st Birthday. That shirt is killer, isn't it? So is my hair cut. AWESOME!! Does that scream 1981?
Did I mention that I have the best in-laws ever? Really, I do! (I also have NO make up on in these pics. We did this first thing in the morning and I didn't take into account that I might scare some of you with my freckle mustache. Sorry. Gustav will put me to shame further down in the pics. You'll see.)
Bob and Deb knew that Donnie would be in Orlando, FL training on my birthday, so they brought over a cake, balloons and flowers! They are the sweetest and bestest father and mother-in-law a gal could want! I love the both of you VERY, VERY much!!!

Sydni wanted to pose with the cake while making this dorky face.

Makenzi has chocolate milk mustache. I like to call her Gustav, my birthday waiter.

Sydni made me pose with my cake. She cracks me up how much she is like her Daddy when it comes to birthdays! They are big deal to both of them! (Donnie is the one who requested his parents do this for me, but all three are equally sweet! Bob, Deb, Donnie: thank you for making my birthday special. I love you!)

Ramblings of an Almost-Thirty-Year-Old:

My last year in my twenties, and I'm a little scared. Not because I don't want to be older (it certainly beats the alternative), but because SO MUCH has happened in nine short years. What will I have to write about when I'm 39???? YIKES! I've decided I'm going to do a lot this year just so I can say I did all of this stuff before I was thirty. Here are a few things I'm going to MAKE myself do before June 6th, 2010.

1. Finish my novel. I'm on page 48, surely I can do better than that, right? I think about it CONSTANTLY. I just need to get it on paper, or computer. Even if it sucks and publishers laugh in my face, or send it back without even looking at it, I will be able to look back when I'm 80 and say that I at least tried to fufill one of my big dreams.

2. Run a half marathon. Buffalo Springs Lake hosts a 5K in November, and I'm gonna sign up and start training, well, yesterday. (Thanks for the tips, Mr. Fenton! Carmen, you have a go-getter of a husband!)

3. Finish Makenzi's baby book. Please don't tell her I never did. I was kind of busy her first year of life, but I kept everything I could that was memorable in a big, ugly cardboard box.

4. Take better care of my body and overall health. (Old people have to do this, I'm told.) I would say I'm going to go organic, but we don't make enough money for me to do that completely! Ha!

5. Cherish every single day I have with my family. The girls are growing like little weeds, and it's freakin' me out how soon their childhood will be passing me by! OMG!

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