Monday, July 18, 2011

A Little Behind...

I haven't posted since MARCH, so I guess I'm more than just a LITTLE behind! We are in the thick of summer and loving every minute of our time off. I guess I'll use this post to catch everyone up from March to NOW, but if you have me on Facebook, you pretty much know most of our exciting news (but I'll save a seperate post for THAT). So here are the past four months in a nutshell...

Makki graduated from Pre-K and is eagerly awaiting the start of Kindergarten. (She already has a backpack! LOL!)

Sydni had a super-cool, Justin Bieber-themed birthday party at Main Event to turn SEVEN. (Where has the time gone?)
The girls went to Vacation Bible School for a week and didn't burn the church down. Whoo-hoo!
Daddy took us on a very fun vacation to the exotic Dallas, TX, where we went to Six Flags, Hurricane Harbor and the insanely awesome Medieval Times. It was "a knight to remember" for sure!

So that's about it for April, May and June. Stay tuned for the next post for the BIG news. :)

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