Monday, April 26, 2010

Wrestle Time!

I'm fairly certain that Donnie and should never try for a boy. I say this because of the video I'm sharing with you in this post. We are convinced that our two little "princesses" have leached all of the rough-and-tumble DNA out of our combined gene pool. If we were to have a boy, he might enjoy playing the flute or reading Harry Potter while his older sisters beat the tar out of him. How can our Barbie-toting girls play dress-up and feed their baby dolls one minute, and be wrestling (sans shirts) in the backyard the next? I'm hoping they will tame their inner tomboy by the time they reach junior high. Nobody wants to hang out with a gal who is known to take a leak in the backyard, right? I won't tell you which one was caught doing that last summer...;)

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