Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The iPhone Foot Bandit!

Whose foot is this?
There's twenty more pictures of this little foot...

I'm not kidding...
SOMEBODY has a serious problem.
I WONDER who it could be?


Jenni said...

This is hilarious! PLEASE tell me that she really did this intentionally to be funny! If not, this is still one of the best things I've seen, kinda like the Roaming Gnome, but with feet!

Donnie and Lenzi Hart said...

These are pictures over a four month period on my phone. I'm not sure why I was scrolling through them the other night, but I knew about the first, bare foot one, then kept pulling up more and more feet! It's like she can't find anything more interesting than her feet to take a picture of, so that's what we get! Donnie didn't think it was as funny as I did, because I kept yelling,"Here's another one! and another!" and laughing my ass off! She's so random, but it's funny right now. I'm sure when she's a teenager it might not be so hiliarious. she might be digging through the post office trashcan, hanging up random pictures of Jesus or something...;)