Thursday, November 26, 2009

Donnie Hart, a.k.a., Clark Griswald

Donnie LOVES Christmas. He's the jolliest guy I know this time of year! He makes a huge deal out of our outside decor and is very meticulous in his planning and execution of his decorating. Every strand is labeled and correlates with a location on the map he drew up of our roof. He knows where every strand goes, and makes sure that every light bulb is in proper working condition and free of scratches. I jokingly call him Clark Griswald, but he DOES put a ton of enthusiasm into our Christmas decorations and gifts. He does his very best to make Christmas a special event for our girls, and they are SO PROUD of their house because of his hard work! You are an awesome Daddy, Don!

Sydni loves our Frosty the Snowman blowup lawn decoration. She cheers for him every night when we turn him on! Donnie, checking the bulbs. Mr. O.C.D married Mrs. ADHD...what did Paula Abdul say, opposites attract? They sometimes annoy the tar out of each other, too! ;) Frosty is a pretty cool dude. (har, har, har!)Yes, it is November and very cool outside, but I don't believe in making my children wear shoes. I also encouraged Makenzi to turn on the water hose and "wash da dirt off her feet" in forty degree weather. I think that pneumonia builds character. Oh, and no, I don't have third kid that I keep hidden in the basement. We don't have a basement. Anywhoo, this is our neighbor's kid that lives across the street. Makenzi is our budding photographer. She wanted to take a picture of me, and I wanted everyone to check out my new hair color. It's mocha with wheat blond highlights. FYI. The house looks way cooler than this. Drive by sometime and check out Donnie's hard work. We are the only house on the block with our lights up....I'm sure our neighbors think we are swell. ;)
You can't see it very well, but we have a projector that splashes up a jolly picture of Santa onto our garage. Not overkill at all!

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