Monday, May 4, 2009

Why School is Cool...According to Sydni

I love every freckle on that cute face!

Sydni toured her 2nd Frenship elementary school today, Crestview. Bennett was the first school that her daycare went to, but it wasn't the classrooms or the playground that left the biggest impression for was the cafeteria! Her preschool class was able to eat in the cafeteria after touring the school, and let me tell you, she felt like a BIG GIRL! Here is a bit of dialogue from her exciting trip to the elementary cafeteria:

Me: So, Syd, how was your field trip today?

Sydni: Good! We got to carry our own tray.

(At this point, I hadn't realized we had skipped the entire tour and went straight to her cafeteria experience.)

Me: Your own tray? What do you mean?

Sydni: For our lunch! I ate a bag of milk and I got to put the straw in the middle of it! It was squishy!

BOTH TRIPS I was given a detailed account of the cafeteria and the amazing trays they were allowed to carry all by themselves! The bags of milk made quite the impression (they really are gross looking, and I'm not quite sure they stopped putting the milk in cartons), and she also thought the cafeteria food "was so yummy"! I guess I won't have to be making many lunches next year! The whole carrying-your-own-tray and bags of milk will be too good for her to pass up! Sheesh! She's so silly!
Her outfit she must wear on her field trips, and her doll she recently named "Annabelle" in honor of her buddy, Annabelle Bennett!

1 comment:

Emily said...

Squishy milk...eeewwww!!! That story is too cute. Love the baby doll, Annabelle will be thrilled!!! She LOVES having fun with the Hart girls!