Saturday, April 11, 2009

The Haircut That Makes Me Nauseous

Makenzi.....Oh, Makenzi! Apparently, Makenzi's bangs (that we have been growing out since September) were in her face and getting on her nerves Friday. She decided to alleviate the aggravating bangs by cutting said bangs to her scalp. Mak and Syd were staying with Granny Deb so I could finish cleaning the house, and she snuck into Granny and Pop's master bathroom and used Pop's beard trimmers to do the deed. Deb thought they were both intently watching an episode of Tom & Jerry on her bed, but Makenzi had other plans when Granny left the room. (Deb, you couldn't have prevented it! She's like a stealthy cat. Nothing can stop her when she has a plan!) She then hid the cut hair in the bathroom drawer. Maybe if she hid the evidence no one would notice six inches missing from the front section of her hair? I'm not sure what our ornery girl was thinking, but she definitely will not have bangs in her face for SEVERAL months! Oh, Makenzi!!!!

Oy! How do you style around this?

Yes, she is giggling about this.

Yep. You can see her scalp.

"Does my hair wook all crwaazzyy?" she said. She's rather proud of her artistry.

Another sampling of Makenzi's dazzling personality.


laycid said...

OMG...I still can't believe it!!! It's going to be very, very hard to cover that up! LOL....poor you.

Hayli Ketchum said...

Oh I love her! She makes me smile.

Emily said...

Well, Miss. Makenzi...I have seen you in person since this incident, and I have to say, you are still just as precious as you were before your haircut. You are too funny...can't wait to see you again!

Carmen Fenton said...

Lenzi! I am still laughing after reading this. I did this too...when I was in Kindergarten. She is too cute.