Those of you who have little girls know that the fashions available for this age bracket can be, well, too "big girl" for our little girls! For example, Syd and I were cruising Target trying to find her an ensemble for her Spring pictures. Target has cute stuff, but I know, I should've been aiming for "nicer" fare for picture day, but let me explain. We were in Target because: 1. Mommy hadn't realize that picture day was the next day until 7
ish the night before and Target was one of the few places still open that didn't require me to go to the mall. And 2.
Sydni beats the crap out of every shirt, skirt, tights, or pair of jeans that she owns so it's pretty stupid for me to spend very much money on her school clothes. Everything she wears to school will come home with a hole in it. Trust me. I think she shuffles around on her knees the entire time she's on the playground, or she's working on her "stop-drop-and roll" technique. Who the heck knows! All I know is that we had to find an outfit, and Target was the place to be! Target usually has cute stuff, but man, I felt like they'd shrunk a lot of their clothes from the Juniors section and put them in the little girls section. I'm no prude, but I don't dig trying to make my FIVE YEAR OLD look like she's a sophomore in college. Not diggin' it, Target!
Everything I would pick out that didn't look like Heidi from The Hills would wear, she would crinkle her nose and say, "Nah....I don't like that." This is new. She usually LOVES everything I pick out for her. So the epic battle between what Mom wants the daughter to wear and what daughter thinks she should wear
freakin' five years old! Did I mention she's FIVE? Didn't I have a good seven or eight years until this power struggle started? I guess not. She picked out the outfit you see below. Yeah, it might look cute, but picture it without the black shrug and leggings, then pair it with a pair of white high heels, then you would have the outfit
Sydni thought would be "so cute for pictures". I wondered if she was going out for drinks with her girlfriends after pictures. After MUCH DEBATE and negotiations, she agreed to the flip flops, tights and sweater. Thank the Lord it was cold that morning, or she might have shed the sweater and tights!
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