Another year in White Deer for the 4th, and another year of fun and fireworks. Of course this evening would never have been possible without the dedication and service of the noble men and women fighting for our freedom. Thank you, and may God bless you and keep you in his care!
This year was special because my thoughtful cousins, Tanner and Kaycia threw a surprise 25th anniversary party for my Aunt Trecia and Uncle Chuck! The food, friends, family and fireworks added up to equal an enjoyable evening in White Deer, America. (Donnie even attempted to play "flip the cup" with the 20 somethings of the group, and was "schooled" by a few of the young bucks! Funny!!!) Check out the MANY pictures of the 4th of July festivities below:
My Meme and Sydni. Mem stopped by WD for a quick visit! We love her so much!

Sydni and Mak love the snappers!

Brenner is such a cutie!

Alyz, Kenzie Danner, Alee, Syd and Mak

We brought the bikes to ease the pain of waiting for darkness to come! Sydni whined so much about the evening "takin' FOREVER TO COME!"

How sweet are my cousins? They threw a surprise 25th anniversary celebration for my aunt and uncle.
According to my Aunt Trecia, she has been waiting 25 years to get Chuck back for the wedding cake he smashed in her face! Love it!

Makki-Doodle was ready for some CAKE!

Hayli gave in to Karson's wishes and allowed him a summer mohawk. I think it is AWESOME, and so fitting for his fiesty personality.

Aunt Layci took this great pic of Makki!

Makenzi is nursing her thumb after attempting to pinch the tip of a lit sparkler...other than Aunt Layci getting debris in her eye, that was the only injury of the evening.

Focus, Mak, Focus!

always camera-ready!

Daddy schools Mak in the art of proper sparkler handling...she didn't listen, hence, the thumb injury!

Sydni LOVES lighting fireworks and is Donnie's little buddy all night long! He is such a good Daddy!


The Doodle.

More of Mem! So glad we were able to see her! Love you, Mem!
Happy Birthday, America!
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