Ramblings of an Almost-Thirty-Year-Old:
My last year in my twenties, and I'm a little scared. Not because I don't want to be older (it certainly beats the alternative), but because SO MUCH has happened in nine short years. What will I have to write about when I'm 39???? YIKES! I've decided I'm going to do a lot this year just so I can say I did all of this stuff before I was thirty. Here are a few things I'm going to MAKE myself do before June 6th, 2010.
1. Finish my novel. I'm on page 48, surely I can do better than that, right? I think about it CONSTANTLY. I just need to get it on paper, or computer. Even if it sucks and publishers laugh in my face, or send it back without even looking at it, I will be able to look back when I'm 80 and say that I at least tried to fufill one of my big dreams.
2. Run a half marathon. Buffalo Springs Lake hosts a 5K in November, and I'm gonna sign up and start training, well, yesterday. (Thanks for the tips, Mr. Fenton! Carmen, you have a go-getter of a husband!)
3. Finish Makenzi's baby book. Please don't tell her I never did. I was kind of busy her first year of life, but I kept everything I could that was memorable in a big, ugly cardboard box.
4. Take better care of my body and overall health. (Old people have to do this, I'm told.) I would say I'm going to go organic, but we don't make enough money for me to do that completely! Ha!
5. Cherish every single day I have with my family. The girls are growing like little weeds, and it's freakin' me out how soon their childhood will be passing me by! OMG!
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